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Confessional Community Details

Thank you for your interest in Confessional Communities! CBK paid members are able to be connected with other members in a CBK Confessional community.  CBK develops and supports group leaders.  CBK also enables groups to meet either virtually or in person.  


Please read the following descriptions of what it means to participate in one of these groups:


  • Group Structure:

    a. Groups are self-organizing (meaning free to explore different meeting styles and meeting structures) with a leader connected to the CBK membership association


  • Leadership Qualifications:

    a. Leaders need to be CBK Members to access resources as they are prepared.
    b. Leaders are required to have read and be familiar with the three core “Being Known” books and the CBK Community group guidelines document. 
    c. Leaders must attend an orientation meeting that will review the basics of running a group.
    d. Leaders will be asked to participate in a periodic CBK-hosted call where we can provide support, listen to experiences, and share the group’s successes, struggles and opportunities.
    e. Leaders will participate in a community group lasting not less than 6 months, before leading a group.


  • Confessional Communities vs. Therapeutic Settings:

    a. Participation in CBK groups is focused on peer-to-peer support/encouragement in the individual work and application of Being Known in life and vocation.
    b.Individuals who seek or need a professional mental health therapeutic environment will be referred to appropriate mental health settings.


  • Technology:

CBK will provide enabling technology so that groups can communicate, organize, and meet both in person (where possible) and virtually.

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